Monday, May 12, 2008

chance of rain

I've always expressed an unpleasant feeling towards the rain. Indoors or outdoors. Outdoors, I get wet and I feel moist and icky and germ-ed (literal). Indoors, I feel wet and icky and germ-ed (figurative). Sure it's a Nescafe moment but I stopped drinking coffee since months ago.

There's a translucent silver sheet that blankets your vision, we call it raindrops. And it paints everything dull - the trees, the buildings, the people, the streets, the vehicles. Sometimes, it blocks our judgment and we think of dull things like loneliness and our lives tragedies.

Where am I getting at? Pardon the incoherent introduction but what I really want to say is.. notice weather forecasts? No matter how promising a fine sunshining tomorrow looks like in the weather room, they will always say there's a "there's a x-percent chance of rain", or "scattered rainshowers in the afternoon".. that's because meteorologists know that weather is a fickle bitch.

And I'll tell you another fickle bitch - Destiny. (You all should watch LOST!)

And another bitch that just won't die - my insecurities (collective).

That is why, I'll go back to working out again.

But you know what I like about the rain? It feels so nice when it stops. It gets rid of the filth of the metro, the skies are clear, the roads are clean. And everything looks beautifully photoshopped. But the dark feeling lingers inside me. Ah, to the gym!


Chester said...

oh. i'm totally your opposite. i love rain. i love it when i'm wet. i'm just hyper when it rains. it arouses me. lol

leave a mark at my site.

Jacques said...

chester, i can't open your site. i dont know whats wrong.